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Archiving on a voluntary, cooperative basis when current methods to keep your favorite files around are undesirable. Visit the current events page. To see what we are currently working on! Would you like an account or just to talk? Do you have something or think you have something that belongs in the archive? Hacker and Tech Cons.
The purpose of this site is to raise awareness about the need to archive audio. And video recordings which contain your family history. Of prime importance is everything on magnetic media, such as audio cassettes,. Reel-to-reel audio tapes, and all home video tapes. Time Some of it may not be playable now. Not only is magnetic media degrading,. But the equipment and expertise needed to retrieve those ageing recordings is. Becoming increasingly more difficult to find.
Please note that GitHub no longer supports your web browser. We recommend upgrading to the latest Google Chrome. GitHub is a development platform inspired by the way you work. You can host and review code, manage projects, and build software alongside millions of other developers. Use at least one letter, one numeral, and seven characters.
Pinboard is a fast, no-nonsense bookmarking site for people who value privacy and speed. There are no ads and no third-party tracking. Of the site to see the kinds of things it can do.
Ndash; from Jargon File.
Best films of the year. Let the right one in. My friend on the phone, who h.
Is a portrait of a community of painters, sculptors, musicians and writers making work at the Living Museum, an art-space on the grounds of a large state-run psychiatric facility in Queens, New York. New Releases, On Art and Artists, Single Titles. New Releases, Single Titles. New Releases, Single Artist Compilations, Compilations. New Releases, Single Titles.
Helping the profession one frame at a time. So you want to be an Audiovisual Archivist. Professional Development Awards and Grants. 2013 AMIA Conference-Richmond, VA. 2014 AMIA Conference-Savannah, GA. Whether you are here to find out more about what a moving image archivist is.
VDB is pleased to welcome Henderson to the Gene Siskel Film Center in October for a screening during the Fall 2015 season of the Conversations at the Edge. In conjunction with his first Chicago appearance, VDB sat down with the artist to discuss his influences.
Sie haben sich erfolgreich ausgeloggt! Leitlinien zur Nachhaltigkeit für die chemische Industrie in Deutschland. Gemeinsam für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf - breites Angebot. Eine starke Branche die chemische Industrie in Deutschland. NACHHALTIGE ENTWICK- LUNG BRANCHENWEIT VORANTREIBEN. DIALOG FÜHREN, HANDELN UND KOMMUNIZIEREN.
BAV Crushers entwickelt und fertigt eine Reihe von Produkten zur Beton-, Ziegel- und Bauschuttzerkleinerung für Recycling- und Abbruchanwendungen. Unsere Geräte werden in Großbritannien hergestellt und weltweit vertrieben. Die Zerkleinerung von Bauschutt und Beton sowie das Abfallrecycling können sehr einträglich sein. Nutzbares Zuschlag- und Füllmaterial aus Baurestmassen erzeugen. Fahrzeugbewegungen auf und von Baustellen reduzieren.